My FREE videos include more info than you'll find elsewhere so be
patient if you have a slow connection and the videos take a while to
load. They are well worth the wait!
As with any life change, always be responsible for your own emotional & physical well-being
and consult your
Health Care Professional. Thank you!
Search for: MaureenKingTapping on YouTube for my newest videos.
Nutrition: Our bodies are a GIFT to be cherished and loved. Properly fueling our bodies provides huge benefits in physical health, brain function, and overall emotional well-being. Eating well saves $$$...fewer trips to the MD and therapist as
well as less illness related loss of work, school, and Fun. You deserve
to feel better and live a long healthy life. We cannot afford health
care for our future if we are a population rich in Cancer, Diabetes,
and other "DisEase". Create a positive future of healthy, happy, fit,
individuals starting with yourself and those you love!
Maureen King: Life Coaching
MA, BA, PPS, Certified EFT Practitioner,
Certificated Teacher/School Counselor since 1985
Dust off those New Year's Resolutions...
Remember, "I CAN Be A Better Me!"
Please, check-back often for updates & Search for MaureenKingTapping on YouTube for my newest videos including my "Tap Into Learning w/Mrs. King" Playlist for use in schools or at home. Also, check out "Tap Into Health w/Maureen King" as well as my other Playlists featuring Spring Forest Qigong and Drug and Alcohol Prevention.
************** Tip! ERASE & REPLACE **************
ERASE: STOP saying or thinking: "I have to, I must, or I need to..." These words actually create a subconscious block in your mind and make good choices more difficult.
Example of what to ERASE: "I have to eat this because they say it is good for me...( but I would really rather have a piece of cheesecake.)"
REPLACE: SAY or THINK: "I WANT to...BECAUSE..."(fill in how it will make your life better).
Examples of how to REPLACE:
"I want to study because I know I will be proud of myself when I do better on my next test."
"I want to study because my mom will let me play video games sooner."
"I want to eat this because I want my cells to be healthy and vibrant."
"I want to eat this because I will feel good about myself 10 minutes from now ...instead of beating myself up emotionally." (Of course there is no benefit in beating yourself up!)
"I want to learn EFT "Tapping" because I'm sick of feeling this way!"
"I want to practice what I learn on "ThatTappingThing" because I want to feel better, soon!"
"I want to finish this project because I always feel so good when I have completed something."
********************************************************* Maureen recommends the following:
Use your blender for "Green Shakes" - See Personal Coaching page
Read Eat to Live by Joel Fuhrman, MD
Read Mind Coach by Daniel Amen, MD - Designed for kids but useful for adults. I use it with my Middle School groups.
Spring Forest Qigong by Master Lin
Watch Dr. Oz
SMILE... it creates endorphins that help you feel better! (Master Lin of Spring Forest Qigong says SMILE stands for "Start My Internal Love Engine".)
Develop your own "Theme Song" to strengthen the positive thoughts you want to reinforce and manifest in your life. Have FUN!
Breathe SLOWLY through your smile.
Encourage your child's school to watch & use the techniques taught in my Free YouTube series: "Tap Into Learning w/Mrs. King". No purchase necessary. ALL of the videos from the first DVD are posted online for FREE to help kids everywhere. The techniques taught in the videos help with school/test anxiety, subject blocks ("I just can't do math..."), anger, sadness, self-esteem, academic & sports performance, violence prevention, and more! When kids are less anxious, and feel better about themselves, they bully other kids less. We need to give students effective tools to deal with their stress so they don't take their issues out on your child! I presented these techniques at the 2010 CASC Conference (CA Association of School Counselors).
Most people can learn to do EFT Tapping for FREE and practice it as a self-help tool.
When you have "challenging" feelings towards
someone, picture them in a bubble and fill it with the kind of love you would
have for a baby...not because they earned it...but, just because we all
deserve unconditional love. Simply notice if the color, expression, or feeling of warmth/cold concerning them in the bubble changes. Allow the bubble to float away. It is amazing how your attitude towards them
changes and you can come from a place of love. ( It works for challenging
situations, too!) ♥ Of course, you could also "tap" about the situation as well as "tap" while you are sending them love.
Learn & practice EFT daily.
Think of EFT as an emotional form of acupuncture...
Acknowledge the problem, give yourself unconditional love, and combine
that with tapping specific energy points in the body. This frees us to focus on
the positive we want to manifest in our lives.
Maureen King Life Coaching
Extensive FREE On-line video library coming soon
I have decided to make this an
entirely FREE site.
I am choosing not to sell any products or services.
Please, feel free to check out the many resources I have made available
to you on both this site and my YouTube Channel.
I developed a 2 DVD set called:
Tap Into Learning with Mrs. King for the 2010 CASC
Conference. The set was specifically designed for School Counselors and
other Educators but the techniques can easily be used at home.
Rather than sell the sets, I am posting the info online.
All of videos from the 1st DVD are now available for FREE on YouTube
in a Playlist I created!
I have posted some of the videos from the 2nd DVD to YouTube and will be posting more of them for home or school use.
By watching any of my videos, and/or practicing the techniques I present,
you agree to take
Full Responsibility for your Own Emotional & Physical Wellbeing. You further agree to see a Professional when necessary.
Presenter: Oct. 2010 AND 2018 Annual CASC Conferences
(California Association of School Counselors)
My FREE videos include more info than you'll find elsewhere so be
patient if you have a slow connection and the videos take a while to
load. They are well worth the wait!
I am NOT a health
care provider and do NOT diagnose, or treat, any medical or emotional
conditions. I simply shares techniques that have helped me and others
with many issues. As with any life change, always be responsible for
your own emotional & physical well-being and consult your Health
Care Provider. Thank you!
Once you learn EFT, you can do it in minutes to neutralize what you consider to be negative emotions, release limiting beliefs, reduce or eliminate cravings and or phobias, relieve pain and illness, and much more.
*I have personally used EFT for childhood traumas, test taking anxiety, ADHD, pain, and a dog phobia after being chased by 2 pit bulls. I lost 40 pounds using it for unhealthy food cravings. I no longer need prescription steroids for allergies since I learned to tap my allergies away! (NEVER quit any medications without consulting your Doctor.)
Gary Craig says to "Try it on everything." It is surprising how often it works. Many MDs use EFT as an effective healing tool. It is Research Based by the American Psychological Association.
by MaureenKingTapping on YouTube.
Please, "LIKE" them, leave positive comments, and
Share the videos and this site with those you care about.
EFT: A Universal Healing Aid: 7 Minute Intro by Gary Crag
Professionally produced EFT Intro by developer, Gary Craig. He shares testimonials by experts & clients. EFT has been used effectively for stress, weight loss, illness, addictions, pain, subject blocks, test anxiety, phobias, and more. EFT is like an emotional form of acupuncture and is great for self-help. Most people can learn it and use it on their own by watching, and tapping along with, EFT FEEL BETTER in 20 MINUTES: 2nd Edition. I am certified as an EFT Practitioner by Gary Craig. Gary's original EFT manual is no longer available as a free download, but can be purchased through
EFT FEEL BETTER in 20 MINUTES: 2nd Edition
LOSE WEIGHT, IMPROVE SCHOOL PERFORMANCE, etc. Make NEW YEAR'S RESOLUTIONS a REALITY! Learn the entire EFT process.TEAR DOWN WALLS THAT KEEP YOU FROM ACHIEVING YOUR FULL POTENTIAL IN ALL AREAS. Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT) is like an emotional form of acupuncture. Acknowledge a problem, give yourself unconditional love, and combine that with tapping energy points in the body. This is a more thorough instruction of EFT than I have seen anywhere else for free. Most sites give you a short teaser but do not show Gary Craig's entire Basic Recipe including the Set-Up, Tapping Sequence, 9-Gamut, and Adjusted Set-up and Sequence for more complete healing or neutralizing of limiting beliefs. You can Tap along With Me by simply plugging in your own problem in place of the sample problem I use.
EFT Public Tapping For Kids & Adults
Public Tapping is useful when you don't want anyone to see what you are doing. Public Tapping has added captions throughout the
video to help explain the procedures and give more uses. It features my
variation of EFT to use in public. TAP AWAY anxiety, CRAVINGS, anger,
addictions, pain, etc., where ever you are! (1st watch: "Feel Better in
20 Minutes: EFT 2nd Edition" to learn the basics.) Great for kids and
adults. Use at work, school, home, sporting events, etc. Most people can
learn and use EFT on their own.
Here is what "EFT Wizard" Brad Yates had to say about my technique:
Awesome, Maureen! I love the idea of pulsing - more subtle than tapping,
but, at least for me, more satisfying kinesthetically than touch and
breath - way cool. :)
My FREE YouTube Video Series/Playlist: "School Success Made Easy: Tap Into Learning w/Mrs. King"
*Click on the white title at the top of the video to START the PLAYLIST.*
Increase Achievement & Decrease Bullying as you Teach students to Release Limiting Beliefs. "Tap Into Learning" is developed and taught by Maureen King,
School Counselor & Teacher since 1985. Ideal for teachers, counselors,
coaches, and parents.
Classroom instruction by School Counselor, Maureen King. Pt. 1: Intro to Your Best Year Ever" teaches: 1. Will this make my life better or worse? 2. Would I WANT this to happen to me? 3. Re-frame it! 4. TAP ~ Give students skills for school success, violence prevention, problem solving, and more. Great for classrooms, groups, or home. Let me be your Counselor on Call! TAP Into Learning w:Mrs. King Pt. 2: The Set-Up Phrase
Learn how to make a "Set-Up Phrase" & Give students skills for
school success, violence prevention, problem solving, and more. The "Set-Up Phrase" is language based so I designed it to be taught in Language Arts classes but it can be taught in ANY class. It is an important part of the process, regardless of what problem you are addressing. This works wonders on letting go of limiting beliefs, anger, sadness, bad habits, etc. Simply acknowledge the problem and give yourself unconditional love. Example: "Even though I can't do math, I'm AWESOME!" We all have problems and accept that in others while we beat ourselves up for our own issues. It is not productive and keeps us "stuck" in the problem. The "Set-Up" is the first part in the process of letting go and moving on. Great for classrooms, groups, or
* Find the rest of the "Tap Into Learning w/Mrs. King" Series on YouTube. Here are some of the videos you will find:
ERASE & REPLACE by MaureenKingTapping: ERASE & REPLACE words that cause subconscious blocks and keep us from achieving our goals! Learn what words/thoughts to Erase and what simple Replacement word will change your life. Change your thoughts and change your life. I learned this technique from Gary Craig's Advanced techniques in "The Palace of Possibilities". It is explained in the "TIP" section at the top of this page. Dr. Daniel Amen uses a similar technique in his book Mind Coach, which I recommended above. NOT SO BAD by MaureenKingTapping:
It's "Not So Bad". Use this simple, self-talk technique to stop dwelling
on the negative.